Practicing self-care and living well empowers you to take control of your own health and wellbeing. There a lots of ways you can manage your own healthcare needs for minor ailments and improve your wellbeing and health outcomes.

The NHS website is full of information, tips and tools that can help you to Live Well.
- Help with mental health and wellbeing
- Advice on sleep and tiredness
- Support with Alcohol
- Support to quit smoking
- Tips on achieving a healthy weight
- Exercise tips
- Tips on how to eat well
- Advice to maintain a healthy body
- Advice around sexual health
Occasional coughs and colds, headaches and hay fever, and many other self – limiting minor conditions and illnesses can often be treated at home by practising self-care. If you can you should visit your local community pharmacist first for advice on the following minor health conditions:
- Acute sore throat
- Minor burns and scalds
- Conjunctivitis
- Mild cystitis
- Coughs, colds and nasal congestion
- Mild dry skin and mild eczema
- Cradle cap
- Mild contact dermatitis
- Dandruff
- Ringworm / Athletes foot
- Mild to moderate hay-fever
- Diarrhoea and vomiting (adults)
- Dry-eyes / sore tired eyes
- Mouth ulcers
- Earwax
- Nappy rash
- Excessive sweating
- Infant colic
- Sunburn
- Infrequent cold sores of the lip
- Sun protection
- Infrequent constipation
- Teething / mild toothache
- Infrequent migraine and headache
- Infrequent heartburn and Indigestion
- Threadworms
- Insect bites and stings
- Travel sickness
- Mild Acne
- Warts and verrucas
- Prevention of tooth decay
- Oral thrush (mouth thrush)
Minor pain, discomfort and fever (e.g. sprains and strains, period pain, back pain)
It is a good idea to keep a well-stocked medicine cabinet with essential medicines such as:
- Paracetamol and ibuprofen for mild pain and fevers
- Antihistamines for allergies
- Antiseptic cream for bites and stings
- Oral rehydration salts in case or diarrhoea
- Indigestion treatment for occasional use
- First aid kit including plasters, bandages and a thermometer
- Visit your medicine cabinet for advice on what to keep in
Always be careful to follow the product instructions and regularly check medicines are still in date.
If you’re not sure what medicines to stock or how best to treat the symptoms of common health problems, ask your pharmacist for advice. You can find your local pharmacy here.
If you’re worried about an urgent medical concern, you can call NHS 111 to speak to a fully trained adviser who will direct you to the right service for your needs.
NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.